Frequently Asked Questions

How can physical therapy help me?

Physical Therapists are experts in assessing and treating injuries, movement disorders, and neuromuscular dysfunction. They have extensive education on the diagnoses and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions and perform examinations to isolate and determine the cause of pain and/or dysfunction. They then develop a plan of care to promote the person’s ability to reduce pain, move more freely, restore function, and prevent chronic disability. The physical therapist and patient work together to ensure treatment goals are met. Physical Therapists promote physical fitness and wellness. They work with clients of all ages and abilities to design programs from healthier, more active lifestyles.

Dr. Colleen Mrowka, DPT is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and holds advance degrees in Physical Therapy and Exercise Physiology

Do I need a prescription from my doctor?

The state of Connecticut allows “Direct Access” to physical therapy services as of October 2006. That means you DO NOT need a prescription from your doctor to receive physical therapy. *

* Some insurance companies require a physician prescription in order to provide payment for physical therapy services. Call your insurance company directly to learn the details of your coverage.

How do I arrange an appointment?

Call our office to schedule an appointment. (203) 250-0334
We will need to know the reason for your visit, your insurance information, and your physician’s name (if required by your insurance.)
We will email you paperwork and request you bring completed forms with you on your initial appointment.

What do I need to bring with me?

Your insurance card(s), photo identification, completely “new patient” paperwork, physician prescription (if required). If you have radiology reports, they may be helpful.

Wear or bring loose fitting clothing (shorts and t-shirt or tank top). Bring any braces, splints, or assistive devices that you use, or are considering using. Bring running shoes, if applicable.

What should I expect from my initial appointment?

Upon your arrival to Mrowka Physical Therapy, our office administrator will greet you and assist you in completing office intake paperwork, verify your specific insurance coverage, and share with you the information we receive from your insurance company regarding coverage, authorization for treatments, if necessary, and limitations to your coverage.

Your physical therapist will review your medical history and discuss the nature of your visit. He/she will perform a comprehensive physical therapy examination to determine the specific limitations of your condition and/or help determine the cause of your symptoms. Your therapist will review the findings of the examination and offer recommendations for treatment strategy and rehabilitative approach to address the deficits identified and help you achieve your functional goals.

Your therapist may be able to begin treatment the same day.

How long are physical therapy sessions?

Your initial consultation visit may be as long as 30-90 minutes. Duration of subsequent treatment sessions vary, depending upon your individual needs. Your physical therapist will discuss this with you.

Will I see the same therapist each visit?

Yes, at Mrowka Physical Therapy you will always receive treatment sessions with the same physical therapist who performed your initial consultation. Our experience and patient feedback has shown us that this provides the best continuity to most quickly help you reach your rehabilitation goals.

What Insurances do you accept?

We participate with most Major Insurance Companies and many PPO groups. 

  • Anthem

  • Aetna

  • Health Net

  • HMC-PPO Plans

  • Oxford

  • United Health Care

  • Workers’ Compensation

  • Cigna

  • Connecticare

Many PPO groups are listed differently.

If you do not see your insurance plan listed here, please call our office (203) 250-0334 for more information.

If you do not have insurance coverage, we will be happy to arrange a payment plan so that your health does not suffer. 

Where are you located?

423 West Main Street, Cheshire Connecticut                                      

At the corner of West Main Street and Warren Street in Cheshire CT, in a restored historic colonial home. PARKING LOT is on Warren Street